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Welcome to Growbox Hill
Welcome to Growbox HIll!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

I'm gonna have a greenhouse!!!!

SQUEEE!!!!!!! I'm gonna have a green house, a real glass greenhouse!! As in been dancing around singing "I got a golden ticket" but with got a greenhouse in the lyrics, hehehehe. I just gotta figure out about building it, lol.

So, today I was chatting with the neighbor.. Warm weather has come and so has the time for him to get the barn cleared out. And we were talking about what I might want or not, what he needs to get rid of, and so on.. there's a lot of stuff packed into the barn. Random house construction stuff, and furniture, big stuff, little stuff, boxes of stuff.. lol. A couple lifetimes of stuff stacked up.

While wandering around the bays of the barn, he pointed out some windows- and told me I could make a greenhouse with them. There are several scattered around the barn. And I told him yes, please, I've often thought about the windows he has stored in our pole barn and dreamed about such a thing... his response was "My windows? Heck, the're your windows now." He got them over years of doing houses and has no room to store them anymore, especially since the barn is ours now too.

Between what I know is in the pole barn and I've been dreaming over for years and what I've seen so far in the barn... I'm going to be able to build a decent sized greenhouse with all of it. And I got a couple spots to choose from- and right now could pull out some panes to quick set up for cold frame action if I wanted to. How darn keen is that?

Originally when we got here I started using the kennels and surround for gardens, and often thought it would be awesome to have a greenhouse where the kennels are. Nice cement pad, good posts. Been using it for years, and more recently in fall 2016 my sis and I wrapped and capped it in plastic for a greenhouse. It was freaking awesome. It was freaking awesome though this winter too. Though the roof was off, the walls made a great shelter for plants from the winds. But this spring shows damage to the plastic, and I want to start taking down garden side walls anyway to use the walls as trellis space this year.
Now, I could still do that, but I'm already converting front yard over into more perennial and floral spaces to a great extent. And I have been thinking about the back 40 for the last 3 years or so while we were paying off and securing the property. 

Since the early days, we have closed on the back 40, and now I have the stable and stable yard that is going to be the location of the new big garden. Already knew I was going to be taking over that area for the future garden. It's already fenced in, with gates, and nothing but horse poop stomped down for years in the whole area. And today after being just flat out given all the glass in the pole barn and whatever is in the barn.. and touring around the stable for real a bit today. And really took in how big the actual stableyard is..
Whew. Think maybe the future greenhouse really will be in the garden. There's a lot of yard and a lot of glass around.
And also, perhaps a buildup of scrap and such wood-wise that might be had too. Or other odds and ends.

So.. what to do with greenhouse action? After this unexpected windfall of having the glass costs covered... now comes the time to think about foundation.....

And I've been dreaming about greenhouses for years. We could do a rabbit hutch floor, or a blast furnace system.. or perhaps a hybrid. I need to pull together some information, and plans, and such.. a 2019 glass raising might not be too out of the question.

The yard.. looking out over it today I kind of thing it might be too much garden.. but then again, maybe not.

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