Welcome to Growbox Hill

Welcome to Growbox Hill
Welcome to Growbox HIll!

Friday, April 20, 2012

One swan a stalking....

 Ok, so Mr. Swan flaps geese off the pond on a pretty regular basis, and it's usually pretty loud and somewhat entertaining. Sometimes the persistance of some geese amazes me!!

We have a pair right now, or at least I think it's the same pair, that Mr. Swan has been flapping off for days. Now, when on land, Mr. Swan does not usually flap, he usually stalks... Walks or runs the birds off his turf. Always totally entertaining!

Here's a few pics from yesterday....

Mr. Swan strutting the goose out of the sanctuary... 

 Must of figured that was enough shoo-away, because it's time to stroll down the path and into the pond. 

 And the goose is left standing... 

Well, apparently that little incident yesterday didn't get the point across to the geese. Today Mr. Swan stalked them off past the curve of the drive behind the house.... 

 Looking low and mean there Mr. Swan.. 

 Got a goose to escort from the property.. 

 Oops, make that a pair of them.. again... 

 Walk away, walk away... 

 Crap, he's still following, walk away some more.. 

Looks like he stopped. Stop and honk some goosey smack talk at Mr. Swan. 
Mr. Swan, unimpressed with the goosey smack talk, raised his butt and wing feathers to them, and walked back down to the pond. 

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